Thursday, July 31, 2014

Training Day - Had some great training today and I actually remembered to set up the video camera to record some of it, I will post the clip below in a few days when I finish editing. We also had a new person join us so we reviewed some of the Bujinkan basics including ukemi and taihenjutsu rolling, Safety First ! We then went to some dakentaijutsu with the kiten ken omote shuto and then practiced the sui no kata from the sanshin no kata. From there moved to kihon happo and the basics forms of ichimonji no kata and omote gyaku, and finished up with the omote tehodoki wrist escape. Full day but great training.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Training day !! Today we went over all of the 3rd kyu material and one of us took the third kyu test. The test went really well a big thanks goes out to all who helped in the training. Material for 3rd kyu includes sword Kamae, but we also practiced kaitens with a sword as a bonus, the Nage Waza portion was great as well, love all of the variation of the base ganseke nage. We also had some great henka of omote gyaku which included executing he technique from a punch and outside circular movements.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Training day, worked extensively on kaitens with a sword, I think in the future a lot more emphasis should be placed on ukemi and taihenjutsu techniques with weapons as the alter the techniques but also provide great insight into ones own body mechanics and helps increase focus on fundamentals. Had a brief introduction to the suwari gata concepts.

Some interesting insight in some randori style application of omote gyaku, and some great exposure to an unscripted attack defense.