Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A few of us had the opportunity to do some cross training in Gracie Jiu - Jitsu, Ryron Gracie (grandson of Grandmaster Helio Gracie, the founder of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu) was in town and hosting a seminar.

We had a great time and learned a ton, my mind was pretty well blown at the end of the 3 hour session with all the new and intricate techniques we were learning. Some of the material was solely for sport jiujitsu but there were also a lot of great fundamentals that apply to real life conflict that we learned and were practicing

Overall it is always a pleasure to be able to train and receive instruction from an amazing martial artists regardless of their specific training. BJJ is not that far removed from JJJ which is a descendant of the Samurai styles of ancient japan so we did not feel too far from home.

Had to bust out the white belt again !

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