Monday, April 14, 2014

Training Day ! We had a new person train with us today. He has experience training in the Bujinkan so he picked things up very quickly. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we went to the park and trained outside. We did a brief introduction and overview and then worked on some of the basics.

Ukemi and Taihenjutsu - Zenpo kaiten, naname zenpo kaiten, koho ukemi, zenpo ukemi, koho kaiten, sokuho ukemi

Sanshin no kata - I personally need to practice these more. it felt like it had been a while.

Kihon Happo - Omote, and ura gyaku.

Muso dori, ganseke nage.

We also went through step by step Danshu no Waza from the Gyokko Ryu Jo ryaku no maki scroll

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