Thursday, April 24, 2014

Training Today, went back to the basics and did some extensive work on some Dakentaijutsu. Mainly the Fudo Ken and the Omote Shuto. Work them in taisabaki as well as against a static target. Also went over some Hanbo Kamae, and basic striking. The rain stopped long enough for us to train but the ground was pretty wet.

It is always interesting training on various surfaces, from dirt to concrete to slippery grass. It definitely takes its toll.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Training Day ! We had a new person train with us today. He has experience training in the Bujinkan so he picked things up very quickly. The weather was absolutely gorgeous so we went to the park and trained outside. We did a brief introduction and overview and then worked on some of the basics.

Ukemi and Taihenjutsu - Zenpo kaiten, naname zenpo kaiten, koho ukemi, zenpo ukemi, koho kaiten, sokuho ukemi

Sanshin no kata - I personally need to practice these more. it felt like it had been a while.

Kihon Happo - Omote, and ura gyaku.

Muso dori, ganseke nage.

We also went through step by step Danshu no Waza from the Gyokko Ryu Jo ryaku no maki scroll

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

News article about a stabbing of up to 20 people in a Pa School. At least guns are not to blame, goes to show that it is not the weapon that is the problem but the person. Just because we dont carry swords anymore doesnt mean we should know how to defend ourselves. Click the link for the whole story !!

Stabbing Story

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Below is a video of a student attacking a teacher and the teacher restraining him, it is over the student allegedly selling weed in the classroom. A good example of a need to train in Jujutsu, Japanese or Brazilian. The teacher goes for a single leg takedown and doesnt get it. I saw a good opportunity for a Saoi Nage.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One of the weapons we train in the Bujinkan is the Shuriken. There are several types and styles, usually you see a flat (hira) 4 pointed senban shuriken as the traditional togakure ryu style shuriken. Those are well and good and we practice with them. I also spend a lot of time training with Bo Shuriken (more like throwing darts) and throwing them in the style of the Meifu Shinkage Ryu Shurikenjutsu. That being said I had an amazing day where I was completely relaxed and focused, everything I threw was on point and extremely accurate, it was a great day.