Monday, August 17, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A great video from Shihan Duncan Stuart demonstrating techniques from the tenchjin.
Bujinkan Tasmania 地略の巻 Chi Ryaku no Maki

The Bujinkan Tasmania 地略の巻 Chi Ryaku no Maki Bushinden Kai was held this month.It was a quick revision of the fundamentals yet a lot of training for everyone in one afternoon.Everyone showed great stamina in mind and body during the training. Well done.The Jin Ryaku no Maki will be separated into two sessions. Understanding the process and connection of the three books should be felt while studying each. Without the right feeling, you will not acknowledge and develop an appreciation of each book and it`s importance on the other. It is not only about learning the fundamentals of our Art, but the process required to positively develop so one can better study and appreciate the classes of the Japanese Daishihan and Soke.The Daishihan in Japan have been studying and teaching the fundamentals and kata direct from the Densho at Soke`s request. For those who have not followed and by-passed this important training to try and just copy Soke now, are deluded. Also, many people want to visit and train at seminars with teachers coming from Japan because they want the latest. Well, the latest from Japan is what people want but not necessarily what they need. However, the latest in this case, is training directly from the densho. Why? because not enough people have a solid focus or understanding on what they should be practicing in their own dojo and are developing in strange ways, all around the world.I have always said that we will see the Bujinkan go "full circle" and return to the beginning. The request of Soke for the Dai Shihan to teach the kata and also Noguichi Daishihan teaching Kihon and Ten Chi Jin classes should be enough to realize this. The importance is the balance in approach to this manner of training. Some are too focused on form and as such, look like robots and not humans. Some are too relaxed and soft in their form and have no bite to their taijutsu. It starts with kamae. Straighten your body and mind and then work on your footwork. You have to practice long enough and with enough repetition so you can re-train your body. As Soke has said, "We are the only animals on the planet that have to re-learn how to move naturally again." If you do not train with enough repetition and with the right heart, you will just move with your own habits. It is everyones responsibility to weed out their habits and become as straight,true,flexible and strong as bamboo.Be earnest in your training and above all, enjoy it!南虎Music "Harmonium" By Miriam Rainsford.

Posted by Bujinkan Tasmania Dojo 徳武流水武神館武道道場 on Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Well it has been a few weeks since I have updated here but with 2015 here and the holiday season past we will look to this upcoming year for some great training and opportunities to grow as martial artists. We will still be training on Tuesdays for the time being and as long as the weather stays terrible we will be indoors. I hope all of you reading stop by for some training time and wish you the best in this new year!