Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Well Dusted the mats off and went back to indoor training, no video of tonight's work. Focused more on oni kudaki, and the advanced hanbo techniques from last week. Also work on some finishing pins like go dai ichi and take ori.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Training Day !!! Well Last outdoor training day of the summer, by 730 it was pretty dark so it will be indoors till spring ! Worked on Omote and Ura Oni Kudaki, and some advanced hanbo techniques from the Kukishiden Ryu. Video coming soon !

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Training Day

Another Great Training Day, The weather in Olympia, Washington has been great all summer long. We will be working with the Tanto for the next few months and did some introductory training against basic knife attacks with evasions and disarms. Reviewed the Sanshin No Kata, as well as Hon gyaku, and a henka of omote gyku.