Thursday, May 29, 2014

Training Day ! Today we were joined by 3 new people for a few hours of great training. we spent some time discussing the fundamentals, concepts and theories of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. We went over Chi and Sui no kata from the Sanshin no kata forms, Dakentaijutsu we focused on the kiten ken / omote shuto. We also did some introductory level work with the omote gyaku and explored a few of its concepts. Overall a great training day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Below is a video that shows a man disarming a bat wielding attacker. This is a real, live street fight and shows great technique. and restraint. Caution strong language at the beggining may offend some viewers.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Training Day ! well the weather held out for us it was a beautiful morning for training. It started to downpour about 10 minutes after training. One of our newest members took his 9th kyu test and performed extremely well. With very solid taihenjutsu skills and a fluid proficiancy with kamae, and dakentaijutsu. After testing we had some in depth training on Musha Dori, with a brief overview of Ganseke Nage to finish off the day.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Well a reprint of a old book has recently been released on amazon. I just got my copy in the mail and I have only thumbed through it so far but it is a cool piece of Bujinkan History. This booked is articles and original issues of the "Testsuzan" magazine printed back in the 80's. It contains some great information and pictures on Ninpo Taijutsu with interviews from Takamatsu Sensei. It is a little older reference material when compared to the newer Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu Teachings but it is a great piece of history and a must buy in my opinion if you train in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

Link to the book on amazon - Here