Saturday, March 29, 2014

Training day ! We took a really in depth look at Ganseki Nage and its application in its base form. We also expanded a little outside of the technique and look at other ways that this technique can be set up.

Muso Dori was next on the list, we explored pulling the balance of the uke in some various ways as well as defending against potential attacks. We reviewed the Kihon Happo and went through omote and ura gyaku as well as Oni Kudaki.

A long time was also spent on advanced forms of taisabaki and using smaller movements to evade attacks. An interesting topic that came up is that while evading one tends to wait for the uke to attack. This is fundamentally flawed as if you make smaller movements then the attacker is closing distance to the point where if you wait for an attack they are dictating the outcome and will make contact. One should not wait for an attack but progress in their movements to prevent an attack and that way the tori will then dictate the outcome and control the engagement on their terms.

Friday, March 21, 2014

It is always good to see some positive press out of the MMA World. The link below is to an article where former UFC fighter Pat Barry help save a woman who locked herself in her hotel room. While it sounds kind of silly good for him.

UFC Fighter Saves Woman

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Below is a video clip from a 4th kyu test. This clip is only the highlights and does not show all of the techniques required for 4th kyu and a lot of the commentary has been removed. Hope that you enjoy !

Some of the techniques show are Hicho Kaiten (diving rolls), Koppo Ken (thumb knuckle fist), Hicho Geri (jumping kick), Ashibari (leg sweeps), Geri Kudaki (destroying a kick), Takeori, and the bofurigata staff twirling drill.