Sunday, June 22, 2014

Training Today, Reviewed 8th kyu material, with an introduction to the kihon happo, some extensive work on basic Omote Gyaku. Worked on Sword kamae and flowing through various stances. Had some great training with Kentai Uchi and visualizing body mechanics. Great Training

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tired and sore from a long night of gracie jiu jitsu the night before we decided to train today ! only two of us could make it out but we had a great time going over some of the 8th kyu material and expanding on some of the techniques beyond their basic forms.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A few of us had the opportunity to do some cross training in Gracie Jiu - Jitsu, Ryron Gracie (grandson of Grandmaster Helio Gracie, the founder of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu) was in town and hosting a seminar.

We had a great time and learned a ton, my mind was pretty well blown at the end of the 3 hour session with all the new and intricate techniques we were learning. Some of the material was solely for sport jiujitsu but there were also a lot of great fundamentals that apply to real life conflict that we learned and were practicing

Overall it is always a pleasure to be able to train and receive instruction from an amazing martial artists regardless of their specific training. BJJ is not that far removed from JJJ which is a descendant of the Samurai styles of ancient japan so we did not feel too far from home.

Had to bust out the white belt again !